Videos tagged with Thomas Metzloff

  • In honor of Banned Books Week, this event features Duke Law Professors Jennifer Behrens, James Boyle, James Cox, Anne Gordon, Thomas Metzloff, and Jedediah Purdy reading from their favorite books that have been banned or censored

    Sponsored by the Duke Law ACLU.

  • In 1999, the city of New London, Connecticut started developing plans for its run-down Fort Trumbull neighborhood adjacent to its glistening new Pfizer research facility. While many were excited by the plans for a mixed-use development that would hopefully resurrect this economically disadvantaged city, others were upset by the plans which called for forcibly removing those residents who lived there. One home owner in particular -- Susette Kelo -- refused to move and led the fight to save her neighborhood. Her struggles eventually led to the Supreme Court.

  • September 21, 2010 - Panelists discuss the recently decided Supreme Court case, McDonald v. City of Chicago